"He who gains victory over other men is strong; but he who gains victory over himself is all powerful" Lao-Tzu


what and why

insular gym is...

- an experiment in work completed, out of necessity, in a primarily solitary and unintentionally (and intentionally), random environment.  

- a log of work influenced by an array of eclectic external sources performed under varied parameters with the goal of general physical and mental readiness.

- not necessarily a physical location but a mental state of mind where efforts are made to minimize personal control of situations.  predictability is intended to be non-existant, or at least kept to a minimum.


if we can eliminate control in an environment of our own making then that should transfer into better results when dropped into an unknown situation of someone, or something, elses design.

most exercise or work done to prepare our bodies and minds is currently done within absolute parameters. rep schemes, loads, sequences, and time domains are generally known factors, all laid out before hand. with commitment and consistency this prescription will definitely result in increased physical output, and this is an undeniable positive outcome. if you're only goal is general physical preparedness this is likely enough.

but if the goal is composure under physical and mental stress, then shouldn't we introduce more than the simple, but effective, component of time? what about other crutches we have grown accustomed to? how often is an individual asked to count their own reps/rounds, do simple math, or gather various items during said efforts? most of the time work is performed at a known time of day, and place, with support and camaraderie. comfortable "workout" clothes are worn, we pick our favorite bar, set the temperature to comfortable, slip on the "right" shoe for the occasion, and get our workout.

most of the time this is not the case in the unknown situations that life puts us in. factors are introduced mid stride, their duration and difficulty are unknown, and the end point may or may not be defined. shouldn't similar, real world, outside influences, play a larger role in our training?

if so, and i believe this to be the case, then what can we do to replicate and prepare for, the "real world"?  this is a question i'm attempting to answer with insular gym.