"He who gains victory over other men is strong; but he who gains victory over himself is all powerful" Lao-Tzu


Saturday, September 11, 2010


strength and focus: front squat

emom ≤ 10
225lb front squat x 1 (85% 1rm)

recover, then

Section 1:

3 x
95lb thrusters x 9
butterfly abmat x 11
40m sprint x 1*

recover while group b does section 1, then

Section 2:

3 x
32kg swings x 9
push ups x 11
40m sprint x 1*

*start 1 minute recovery after the last participant finishes the sprint
**20m out, 20back

score is fastest lap time within each section

completed at 785

1 comment:

insular gym said...

modified this over and over before this morning, trying to get it just right. in the end i feel as though it was very effective in eliciting a positive response in multiple areas. the only flaw was the disparity in recovery time between groups and therefore, participants. beforehand i didn't anticipate the difference in scores between players. a blanket recovery time of 1 min couldn't be administered without staggering start times after the first effort. this would have taken away the "race" aspect of the day since start times would have been different. the obvious solution eluded me until post workout when i realized that an e2mom would have worked perfectly. in the end i believe all of us got the desired result but even though the competitive element between groups appeared to be comparative the parameters were in fact different.

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