"He who gains victory over other men is strong; but he who gains victory over himself is all powerful" Lao-Tzu


Saturday, October 30, 2010


in a three man team and with the help of a wheelbarrow, move 360lbs of equipment as efficiently as possible one mile to work site

1 x

120lb sled pull x 120 yds
overhead keg carry x 40 yds
80lb sandbag carry x 40 yds
24/32kg farmer carry x 40 yds
sprint x 120 yds

using knowledge from first attempt, move equipment back as quickly as possible

1 comment:

insular gym said...

mile one: 25 min

trickle - 3:02
clint - 3:25
patrick - 3:32

mile two: 28 min

when implemented at the appropriate time, these types of experimental efforts are important in that they break up the monotony of working out of the normal space under "normal" circumstances and parameters. throw it all out the window from time to time. get outside. break the cycle and do something different. it won't always be deemed 100% successful but that's not always what matters. in the end of this life we all reach the same "box" anyway. so, along the way, during this pursuit of "elite" fitness we've chosen to be a part of, we'd be remiss to overlook the path. when it's all said and done it's the JOURNEY that matters, so we might has well make sure it's an interesting one.

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