warm up:
squat / kte x 12, 10, 8, 6
bw x 24
45lb x 20
95lb x 16
135lb x 12
squat relative to 1rm / butterfly sit ups x 16
75% x 4
80% x 4
85% x 4
90% x 4
80% x 4
85% x 4
90% x 4
every minute ≤ 10
24kg russian swings x 14
pull ups x 7
record squat loads and speed score
220 x 4
235 x 4
250 x 4
265 x 1-1-1-1
continued focus on the back squat has yielded minimal gains over the last 9 months. more stimulus is required and i fear it's that of the highly trained and seasoned eye. i've yet to master the low bar position and have only scratched the surface of proper hamstring engagement combined with powerful hip drive. training alone has a short list of benefits.
completed the 8th minute plus 14 swings and 4 pull ups of the 9th
chasing a known carrot kept the mind and body at full throttle longer than normally possible allowing the extraction of higher level performance even when the fuel tanks had been depleted. 21-24 seconds ticked away each minute while swinging and even with minimal transition time to the bar i was lucky to get 20-24 seconds of recovery between efforts. this, of course, didn't last long. past round 5 things began to get very dark, fast. shoulder and forearm fatigue combined with waning grip had me barely getting by for the next few rounds. after two rounds of breaking pullups into sets of 4 and 3 a broken set of swings sucked away enough time that 4 pullups was all that could be reached during the 9th attempt. surprisingly effective this combination has been used in the past (wahawk by cfjax) and will surely be seen again.
completed the 8th minute plus 14 swings and 4 pull ups of the 9th.
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