lots to consider in this fast paced and "never enough time" world we've created for ourselves. too much to do in not enough time.
is it worth it? has technology failed us? were we better off as cavemen?
sometimes i wonder if 40-50 years of proper nutrition, vigorous activity, and quality time with family would be better a better life than 80-90 years of exponential stress, second guesses, and playing the never ending balancing act. this side of dropping off the grid and living off the land somewhere in the mountains, there may not be a way out. and that's a hard fact to swallow.
so, if going rogue in the forest is not an option, the first question one must ask themselves is, what are my priorities? immediately followed by the second, closely related question of, why is this list so long? i.e. what takes precedence when the list of priorities is an insurmountable task in and of itself? something has to give and one had better be sure they're letting the least important part slip. we're not built to do everything at once and if one tries for too long they'll find themselves at the bottom of a fallen "house of cards" with nothing.
1 comment:
dictionaries give true meaning to words we throw around haphazardly, taking for granted what we think we know. anyone else have a take on this seemingly inescapable rat race?
(1) the quality or state of being prior
(2) precedence in date or position of publication —used of taxa
(1) superiority in rank, position, or privilege
(2) legal precedence in exercise of rights over the same subject matter
2: a preferential rating; especially : one that allocates rights to goods and services usually in limited supply
3: something given or meriting attention before
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