
165lb squat clean x 5
[bw squats x 50 / push ups x 25]
165lb squat clean x 4
[squat jumps x 40 / pull ups x 20]
165lb squat clean x 3
165lb squat clean x 3
[24" box jumps x 30 / ring dips x 15]
165lb squat clean x 2
[24" stick jumps x 20 / clapping push ups x 10]
165lb squat clean x 1
165lb squat clean x 2
[24" stick jumps x 20 / clapping push ups x 10]
165lb squat clean x 1
mod. squat cleans at 155#
thanks to villa from 785 for coming by for today's experiment. working with someone else is always a nice change of pace and tends to bring out a little extra.
hadn't done full squat cleans since "jacked rabbit" over a month ago on the 26th of august. unsure of how things would go we started out with a lengthy warmup and review of the primary movement. video analysis revealed some of my best work to date. still inconsistent but the good ones are getting closer and closer to the ideal sequence. too bad it will be another month before i see this movement again. definitely gonna miss it.
Thanks to Clint for having me at Insular Gym. Those squat cleans "cleaned" me out. On a good note I did PR in squat cleans even though I can power clean way more. I have learned that a mental strategy as well as a physical strategy is needed with Insular's WOD's. Technique is key for efficiency and max load capacity at any rep count. Thanks again...UNTIL NEXT TIME!!!!!
Villa 31:00rx
strategy plays a much larger role in the execution of work than one would think. there comes a point where fuel management and pacing will result in faster results. knowledge of personal strengths and weaknesses is vital. with this scenario i chose to breakup the first three sets of bw movments into circuits completing 5 rounds of 5 pushups / 10 squats, 10 s. jumps / 5 pull ups, and 10 box jumps / 5 ring dips. after the first pair i made certain to start with a set of lower body work in order to finish with upper before hitting the cleans again. the stick jumps were done 20 at once with a steady pace because i wanted to be fresh for an unbroken set of clapping pushups and the next set of cleans. finally i did 6 broad jumps, 5 hspu, and then the last 4 jumps. when combining a heavy barbell and bw movements in the same session while going for time, its imperative that one be able to change gears. draft when needed, then shift into overdrive and create your own passing lane.
Cool workout. Although I REALLY like how the reps are traded for the difficulty of the exercise…I wonder how the mentality/strategy of it would change if you made one or all of the elements ascending (aka totally reversing the order of the exercises, making a ascending/descending ladder out of the first and second exercise, or going up with the squat clean reps? how would the strategy be affected by changing the squat clean to a heavy clean and jerk (taxing the upper body, too)? Definitely not saying this workout is tainted in anyway…but it is complex/interesting enough that it would be quit the "experiment" on mind/body/strategy to try it a couple different ways over time. Good stuff. MJ
thanks for your response and input. ascending reps were considered but in order to maintain a steadily increasing pace throughout the effort i chose the known and typical route for the cleans. that being said, within minutes of finishing the effort i was pondering some of the exact things you mentioned. adding the second element of a jerk to the squat clean portion was my primary focus and regretful oversight. it would not only have balanced out the physical demands of the scenario but raised the technical efficency quotient more than a couple notches. i believe it would have made the workout "better" and more complete in many ways. continual experimentation with these hybrid chippers has yielded positive results while bringing seasoned veterans who pride themselves on a strict diet of couplets and triplets to their knees. trade offs are inevitable and i've made my share of sacrifices to "excel" at some of these more complicated "heavy for time" scenarios. after much experimentation two questions still remain, is it worth the trade off? and, more importantly, with a more detailed and thorough approach to programming, would one have to make such sacrifices? i plan to work harder and more diligently upon returning to action to do my part to answer those exact questions. for now it's time to work on the rest of the machine. physical output is only part of the equation. knowledge and it's application to the physical realm are equally important. unfortunately, for the time being the brain is the only muscle i'll be working.
killed me.
Can't remember the exact seconds but at this time it doesn't really matter. Also had to mod the hspu to negatives only. Shows how far I have fallen off the wagon. However, still glad to finish and glad to be there with other people because I am pretty sure I would have quit after puking if other people weren't there. Tough tough workout.
10:48 (123# squat cleans, 20" box jump/stick jump, 6' broad jumps across&back = 1 rep) 02NOV2010. MJ
nice work mj, thanks for giving this a shot. i think you did double the broad jumps we all did and still came out with the quickest time to date.
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