"He who gains victory over other men is strong; but he who gains victory over himself is all powerful" Lao-Tzu


Saturday, September 18, 2010


with descending recovery periods from 120 - 10 seconds between efforts, complete the following in 60 seconds:

1 x

muscle up x 1
hspu x 3
pull ups x 5
push ups x 7
24" box jumps x 9


any time remaining within the minute after the box jumps is added recovery before starting the next prescribed rest interval

score is total repetitions out of a possible 325


insular gym said...


rounds 1-9 ranged from 42-45 seconds and went relatively smooth. from that point on however, things got rough fast. round 10 jumped up to 48 seconds followed by the 11th trip resulting in almost a minute at 55 seconds with warning sirens blaring during the unbroken hspu. round 12 started rough with a lack of chalk losing the false grip and failing the muscle up for the first time. regrouped as fast as possible and went unbroken before i ran out of time after 2 box jumps. 10 seconds wasn't enough time to dive into the last mu so i took a little extra time hoping to eliminate any chances of failing in order to hopefully get thru at least the hspu. after nearly failing the mu i had to recover for a few seconds and then broke my first set of hspu after the first one, shortly after that i ran out of time.

mu for the day were a little awkward considering they were the first i've done in the garage. 9' ceilings make it a little tough to set the rings at the height i'm used to. this had me adjusting my kip and swinging a wildly before finishing the dip. got things under control a little more each round and by the end a small level of comfort had been reached. eihter way i'm glad to know that i can do them at home.

insular gym said...


295 not 300

25 x 11 = 275
1+3+5+7+2 = 18
1+1= 2
275+18+2 = 295

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