."... O-lifts require individual attention. Much more than bi-monthly 1RM attempts at greatness. Misguided confidence set adrift amidst a sea of personal records capsizes when technical deficiency produces a rouge wave of limitation. Continued gains are only supported in part by added strength, without specialized focus, skillful movements plateau when tapping only inherent ability.
Counter to current and professed culture, specialization is necessary and practical. However, there is an apparent disconnect. An expectation to produce extraordinary results without considerable concentration on the actual task. This mindset makes perfect sense if you enjoy training in a vacuum of mediocrity. Performing these lifts once or twice a week under the confines of the clock hardly constitutes practice. As I’ve mentioned, executing the clean and jerk, snatch, or some derivative thereof as fast as possible does little to foster the critical skills necessary to complete the movements efficiently. Building, evaluating, and correcting fundamentals is the key to increased capacity. Repeatedly strolling into the gym for quarterly inspection and forecasting a PR is prophetic fantasy orchestrated by soothsayers."
- turbo j / 324
1 comment:
i decided to take another day to recover this time. sleep, nutrition, and general mind set are not where they should be. "off" days like this where physical motivation is low always result in excessive mental exercise. turbo's words above represent much of what has been on my mind lately. how do we make the most of our training? that's really the main question. if one is interested in gains and increasing their capabilities then a plan should be forged. even though effort may be at an all time high without direction, or a map, we are wondering around aimlessly. aside from effor; diligence with records, goals, nurtition, practice, and recovery is the only road to success. take a minute to re-read the words above and consider your current balance with regards to improvement and execution of the olympic lifts, i plan to.
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