"He who gains victory over other men is strong; but he who gains victory over himself is all powerful" Lao-Tzu


Wednesday, October 20, 2010



with 20lb vest
run x 1 mile

recover 6 min

without 20lb vest
run x 1 mile

record times and difference

1 comment:

insular gym said...


temporarily abandon the luxury and familiarity of 4 walls and a roof for the wide open space nature offers us. soon the inconvenience of winter will be here restricting movement and imprisoning us to the confines of our modern and technologically advanced "better" life.

in many ways the track is the great equalizer. it offers the opportunity for reliable comparison over not only time but distance. no matter where you go the template is the same. a level loop with no elevation changes and predictable terrain. outside of the uncontrollable factor of weather there are really no questions to be answered when comparing with past efforts or those of others. range of motion and equipment availability go out the door as does most any other location related inconsistency. unlike most of the equipment we wish we had the use of this tool is free and we should all spend a little more time honing our skills with it. there really is no reason not to get to know your local loop.

with 20# vest - 8:00
without vest - 6:51
+ 1:09

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