"He who gains victory over other men is strong; but he who gains victory over himself is all powerful" Lao-Tzu


Friday, October 22, 2010

ESPRIT DE CORPS a collaborative effort with THE SHOP

- section 1 -

double unders x 40
jump rope run x 400m (one rep per step)
double unders x 40

recover, then

- section 2 -

2 x

burpees x 10
sprint x 40m
push ups x 20
sprint x 40m
squats x 30
sprint x 40m
situps x 40
sprint x 40m

recover, then

- section 3 -

run x 800m

record time for each section along with total work time

1 comment:

insular gym said...

"Morale, also known as esprit de corps when discussing the morale of a group, is an intangible term used for the capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal, or even in oneself and others. The second term applies particularly to military personnel and to members of sports teams, but is also applicable in business and in any other organizational context, particularly in times of stress or controversy." - wikipedia

following the theme of getting outdoors we devised the above plan to be executed at the track / field. tackling it in separate sections with adequate recovery did little to stifle compounding fatigue. each section served it's particular purpose, testing a slightly different set of skills. the day was deemed a success. what's even better is the lack of equipment needed to reach the final plan and result. rethink your methods, addiction to bumpers and barbells, and reconsider abandoning the box.

- thanks to cfjax for the jump rope run idea, it's even worse (more effective) than we imagined. as for anyone out there that falls into this category...

"if you're reading this and think this is retarded, but have never tried it, well - there you go..." - cfjax

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